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Fred Abdelnour, President

As President of DISC Solutions, Inc, I have over 17 years of significant experience in the area of diversity and social responsibility.  I served as interim Executive Director at the Los Angeles Urban league/Pasadena Branch concurrent with my role at Enterprise Holdings.  I led the Urban League team to develop outreach strategies and training programs to build a sustainable workforce of African American and minority community members.  I developed and administered a minority leadership training program at Enterprise that resulted in 90% promotion rate of participants within the first 12 months.  In addition, I worked with our leadership team at Enterprise to improve employee satisfaction and retention of our workforce to 80%.  I currently serve on the board of directors for the Center for Nonprofit Management and have extensive experience with 501(c)3 organizations. 

I served as president of the board for the Challengers Boys and Girls club in South Los Angeles.  During my tenure as president, we identified significant challenges relating to education within the neighborhood surrounding the club and retained a charter school to operate on club premise.

As the head of marketing and advertising for Enterprise Holdings in Southern California, I have extensive experience in developing a strong communication strategy to a targeted audience. As a result of these strategies, the organization experienced 10% growth annually.  Lastly, I have developed a network of 240 executives representing 125 corporations throughout Southern California (  

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